Friday, May 10, 2024

Forever Forward Fridays

JJZ: Man I miss Brodie Lee. Really loved this dynamic of Delirous and Brodie. You get a taste of both sides of crazy. Kenny King and Rhett were always a good tag team. Seeing the beginning matches of a tag team is kinda like listening to the first album of a band. You get some good things, you can tell they are reaching for a few things, but you can see the potential. Good back and forth and a solid build to a hot tag. Nothing overly fancy just a solid match.

CJD: I was really impressed with the chemistry of both teams in this one. Like you said this was basic, but it still accomplished a lot. It built the Delirious/Rhett feud first and foremost. It established the soon to be All-Night Express as an emerging team. And it kept Brodie looking very protected while showing flashes that King could hang on his level. I liked the seeds they were planting here, and for a match that didn't try to do a ton, it was still very efficient in what they did. Even more than an early album I'd say this was a demo tape with a ton of potential. But great comparison!

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