Friday, June 14, 2024

Forever Forward Fridays

"Speeball" Mike Bailey VS BREEZE - Prestige Wrestling 9/24/2023

JJZ: So I wasn't sure going into this match what type of match they would work. Even with that mindset I was suprised that they did a working from under 70/30 kind of match. I think it's a great way to show Mike Bailey's ability to work so many different roles effectively. His last match we played against King was such a wild match it's awesome to see him work such a traditional style here. This is the first match I've watched on the indies with Breeze and man do I still love him. His run in WWE was just pure entertainment but you could tell he still had such a great workrate in him. I will say Mike's explosive style offense worked extremely well for this type of match. While Breeze was able to slow everything down it made Bailey look even better when he was able to hit his crowd popping attacks. Really enjoyed this one and I hope you do too baby cakes.

CJD: It was surprising how much of a Speedball showcase this was, even though I'd agree Breeze took the majority of it. There's a point to be made that part of being a great pro wrestler is how great you can make your opponent look, and Breeze did that at a high level in this match. I also really enjoyed watching another promotion other than PWG run this unique venue. Keeping in that Friday indy spirit. The thing I enjoyed most about this match is after a lot of serious business at PIF lately, this was a fun, easy watch, that still dialed it up a notch when it needed to. I'm very curious to see where Prince Pretty brings me next!

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