Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Hit You With The Belly To Belly, The Suplex, Off The Roof Of The Duplex, Willin' To Group Text

CJD: Wahoo McDaniel versus Magnum TA for the United States Championship in a Steel Cage Match. Is there a more pro wrestling sentence in the English language? I hadn't watched a match in a minute, and with this bad boy I was sitting down to some of that meat and potatoes, basic food groups kinda wrasslin here to get my strength back! I wasn't aware just how much Magnum was built up and protected at this point, but this wasn't the only match I watched where his shortest match record was mentioned and such. That said, you can tell this was a match that was worked with the idea that under different circumstances, or different opponents, it would have been over much sooner. These two went the extra mile for what this night called for, and heel Wahoo was something I didn't know I needed in my life. But I did! Even while taking shortcuts he makes this feel like a gritty bar fight like only he can, and you know Magnum's bringing that babyface fire. Let's get after it babycakes!! Wrestling, yay!!!

JJZ: Wow, I don't think the crowd chilled out for a second. Meat and potatoes is the perfect description for this match CJD. They utilized every minute. All the punches, kicks and whips into the cage needed to happen to soften the guys up for the bodyslams and backdrops. Which exploded the crowd. Talk about using every part of the animal too. My initial thought was, man I'd kill for this to be ten more minutes. But after thinking about it, it kinda was perfect under fifteen. Well done homie!

Friday, February 28, 2025

Forever Forward Fridays

JJZ: Yurika Oka is the blonde female wrestler. It was so tempting to go back to that same promotion but I really wanted to see the depth that Maya has. This was an above average opener/mid card kinda match. Slow start, nice build to some really slick offense and transitions. Maya made me a big fan of her's, mostly because she can crack! She hits hard and with purpose. Love it. Oka was also good. I was surprised how smooth she was during the second half of the match. I wasn't getting that vibe during that start. You know I love a single cam no commentary match. Brings a great vibe. These last two Friday matches were indie as fuck homie.

CJD: Single hard cam no commentary makes me feel like I'm sitting right next to JJZ watching this match. It's safe to say Maya has a mean streak after these two matches. She has been a revelation, I'm so glad we took a detour down this road! Oka brought some pep and snap to her, dare I say, plucky underdog babyface performance. The pace was one of my favorite parts of this match,  when they took it to overdrive for a half second to finish things off it popped me big time. I bought on a falsie and a half. Great little piece of action here baby, I'm glad you brought the variety with some Sendai Girls!!

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Like Nikita Koloff, You Don't Wanna Make That Fatal Faux Pas

Magnum TA VS Nikita Koloff - NWA Worldwide 8/16/1986

JJZ: Baby cakes. Man oh man do I want to watch all of these matches! This is the sixth match of Koloff and TA's best of seven series. If I had to describe this match in one word it would be energy. From the crowd but more so from the wrestlers. Being 5 matches deep I thought they would be approaching it slower, but Nikita and Magnum really pushed the pace. I knew who won this already going in but the finish is what put this match over the top for me. Thought it came at a good time in the series since I'm sure they build up to it with a similar situation in an early match. Koloff is a wrestler I don't usually seek out but man have I loved both his matches we've featured. I was definitely selling him short. Way better in the ring then I remembered. Enjoy homie!

CJD: Nikita Koloff is definitely a PIF poster boy. Those wrestlers you never quite gave a fair chance, that when you check your biases at the door, often will surprise you. I'm familiar with this best of 7 series but don't think I've ever watched an entire match. So glad you got me to watch this one. The body language from both of these guys. Students of the game should take notes. It's not just selling, it tells a story beyond the physical toll. It projects the size, the scope, the stakes. This is fantastic American heavyweight pro wrestling, a style that isn't always synonymous with work rate and high energy. This match is proof they aren't mutually exclusive. That finish, and the way it's sold after, seal the deal on this all-time great match. Beautiful stuff!!

Friday, February 14, 2025

Forever Forward Fridays

CJD: Annnnnddd we're back!! So we've watched some bar type venue matches when we get together for our nights of wrestling viewing. But never on the blog before. And it's high time we change that! I believe Yukihi was new to me and I'm so excited to see what you come back with from her. These two work really well together in this unique setting. I was rewinding little spots and strikes like I was watching the nuance of a Fujinami VS Choshu classic. This wasn't just fun and games, although it was a highly entertaining watch. Brookes is a hell of a talent, I watched him in a lot of different styles of matches seeking this one out, and no matter where you plug him in he shines bright.

JJZ: Chris this is incredible man. This might be the most unique match we've ever shared. Definitely the smallest ring. I popped when Brookes put his foot out of the "ring" to break the hold. Besides the ambiance this was a pretty stiff, well executed match. Great back and forth with nice falsies. I literally loved every second of this match. Not gonna lie with your blessing I might dig into this promotion more and share some goodies with our friends. The tightness they were able to perform with in such a unfamiliar setting showcased the talent that both Chris and Maya have. Both wrestlers are elevated to the next level in my eyes with this match.

Friday, January 3, 2025

We're Still Here

Hello hello, just checking in to let everyone know Play It Forward isn't going anywhere any time soon. That said, real life is putting a heat segment on me and JJZ currently that would make the Andersons jealous. I don't know when we're going to get back into our normal routine around here, but we will in due time. I hope you and your loved ones had a great holiday break.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Tully, Baby, You're Trapped Behind Your Golden Bars

CJD: There are other uploads of this match that have better quality video and audio, but are missing a few minutes (and it's already joined in progress). But even moreso than that, the entire experience of this version totally transported me to the late 80s, my childhood, putting random pro wrestling on TV or bringing a VHS home from blockbuster, not knowing who anyone was, and not being able to take my eyes off the screen. Total sensory overload of noise and dark shadowy larger than life violence. Grainy, loud, quick cuts to and from the action, crowd going ballistic, good VS evil. I definitely don't remember this match or feud in particular, but I do remember babyface Nikita Koloff, and thinking it was very strange as a kid. As an adult I love what a different choice it was for an 80s face, and damn was he over! And good! Koloff was never a master mechanic or anything but I'll totally admit to never giving him a fair chance for whatever reason. Tully I've come to appreciate is an all-time great heel, and the two matches we've featured here make a great case as to why. He and JJ deliver a classic performance here, but just like with the Raging Bull match we featured previously this is no carry job. Also I love the finish, I could see why some would hate it. But like you were saying with the Fernandez match, when it comes to 80s finishes when something surprises you a little bit it goes a long way. I love this run of NWA 80s goodness we've been on and love getting a chance to play this match forward to you!

JJZ: I'll totally agree with you about the finish. Totally got me. I definitely marked out when Barry jumped in. This match was fantastic. I look back to JJZ and CJD in their mid twenties and think about how much they hated a joined in progress match. With so little time on our hands these days I couldn't care less. Crowd was fire as always the case with 80s territories matches. I was impressed with a lot of Tully and Nikita's transitions. They pulled off stuff I didn't think they were capable of. And JJ added a lot to the match. A good manager is priceless. Miss those days. Great match homie!

Friday, December 6, 2024

Forever Forward Fridays

JJZ: So I've seen a lot of Aussie Open matches over the past for years. Most of them are on the longer more epic side. So bringing two shorter more light matches gave me an appreciation for Kyle and Mark. What put this match over for me was the comedy touches during the match. It got more serious towards the end but the build is what made the match for me. I was not familiar with CCK before this match. Chris Brooks and Kid Lykos seemed new to me but if you told me I've seen them before I would be shocked. Side note, CCK is a stable and Travis Banks(who I do know)((not personally, from NXT UK)) is the third member. Fyi. All four man brought there A game I thought babycakes. The strikes were popping and the boys were flip flopping all around. Can't wait to hear you comments.

CJD: Chris Brooks seemed familiar to me but he may just have reminded me of Angelico. Which is interesting because in a roundabout way Angelico brought us to this match! This was some big time indie energy. Shades of old school PWG and CHIKARA. I'll be honest, I could have done with a few less thigh slappies. But the match built nicely and brought it home at the right time. A crowd pleaser for sure that left all four guys looking strong. I'm very curious to see where this one takes me next. Kyle Fletcher got to shine a bit more in this one than in other matches I've seen from them. I left this match wanting to see him in singles action, which I don't think I ever have before! Put a pin in that for later.