Friday, August 19, 2022

Forever Forward Fridays

Swoggle VS Shockwave the Robot - Beyond Wrestling 9/16/2018

CJD: Now I know what you're thinking John. But don't worry, Shockwave the Robot has had surprisingly prolific career, debuting in 1998, wrestling across the east coast, making it all the way over Japan, and even competing in the 2011 Super 8. So I think you'll have options for your next match. This match is as silly as wrestling gets, I could easily see it being a hard no for some fans. It does have the secret sauce of Bryce Remsburg who could sell sand in the desert. And I was in the mood for a match that got in, hit its spots and got out such as this. I'm not going to lie, part of me wonders if Swoggle dreams of having 40 minute King's Road style layered epics as he falls asleep at night. But if you're going to wrestle a murderous robot in the hot sun you've got to play the hand you're dealt!

JJZ: Loved the Colt crossover in this one. Would that be considered an easter egg? Swoggle and Shockwave kill it in this match. But Bryce is the star. Even his selling was the best in the match. Imo just like the last match this would have been a great match to see live. Who ever Shockwave is, he or she does a fucking great job. Totally believe they were a robot. That street fest looked awesome. I only remember seeing one show outside and it was a blast. Loved this man!

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