Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Don't Wanna Be An American Idiot

CJD: This is an era that you know I was totally checked out of wrestling. For example I didn't even know the Unamericans were a thing so I couldn't figure out the jingoistic slant to the commentary other than "oh well it's WWE" for the first few minutes. Then I realized the tired heel dynamic. Regardless, the heels in this are very effective in the ring. Goldust is a terrific face in peril and always has great chemistry with every different type of wrestler you can imagine. The finish is the same crap we still complain about to this day but they lay this match out beautifully otherwise. We've featured a lot of matches like this over the years at PIF, 10 minutes or so of fundamental tag team goodness. This isn't going to go down as one of the best we've covered but for four guys we've barely touched on up until now I was feeling this one. I love that they got this kind of platform on one of the big 4 PPVs.

JJZ: Damn baby, this match was so much fun. In a ten minutes I was highly impressed with how good the tag team psychology was. Shit you don't see any more, cutting off of the ring and actually having to tag. The energy from the crowd was so good. Everyone one was hitting on everything. That Dustin bump over the top was crazy. And can we talk about Booker? He looks like he is built out of stone. Not gonna lie. I popped for the spin a roni. Probably spelled it wrong. Also popped when I heard Fink on the mic. Great pick my guy.

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