JJZ: I'll totally agree with you about the finish. Totally got me. I definitely marked out when Barry jumped in. This match was fantastic. I look back to JJZ and CJD in their mid twenties and think about how much they hated a joined in progress match. With so little time on our hands these days I couldn't care less. Crowd was fire as always the case with 80s territories matches. I was impressed with a lot of Tully and Nikita's transitions. They pulled off stuff I didn't think they were capable of. And JJ added a lot to the match. A good manager is priceless. Miss those days. Great match homie!
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Tully, Baby, You're Trapped Behind Your Golden Bars
Friday, December 6, 2024
Forever Forward Fridays
CJD: Chris Brooks seemed familiar to me but he may just have reminded me of Angelico. Which is interesting because in a roundabout way Angelico brought us to this match! This was some big time indie energy. Shades of old school PWG and CHIKARA. I'll be honest, I could have done with a few less thigh slappies. But the match built nicely and brought it home at the right time. A crowd pleaser for sure that left all four guys looking strong. I'm very curious to see where this one takes me next. Kyle Fletcher got to shine a bit more in this one than in other matches I've seen from them. I left this match wanting to see him in singles action, which I don't think I ever have before! Put a pin in that for later.
Aussie Open,
Chris Brookes,
Kid Lykos,
Kyle Fletcher,
Mark Davis
Friday, November 22, 2024
Forever Forward Fridays
JJZ: Jesus Chris, you're right, this match was made for Play It Forward. And baby. This might be the smallest ring I've ever seen. These four guys had such a fun match. Super independent wrestling match. Really exciting spots that popped the intimate but loud crowd. Delightful tag team moves that actually worked in the small ring. The bigger Aussie Open guy (his name is escaping me for some reason and I've watched so many of his matches) performed some good big man moves. CJD this bout was just entertaining. If we saw this at the Southhampton Armory everyone would have loved it. Good shit baby.
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Matadors Chase The Bull In A China Shop
CJD: Ha our constant pet peeve, matching tights on opposing sides! I knew you'd go there. When you and I talk legitimate sports, sometimes we bring up if a talented athlete who has the ability to win the big one, has the follow through to actually win it. Compete, killer instinct, whatever you want to call it. God damn did Tully Blanchard project having that quality as well as anyone ever did. He never got a ton of offense. But the way he would seize an opportunity, you could feel the momentum turn. Like when your favorite team is at home with a big lead but all of the sudden the away team makes a statement play. And you know in your gut the game is totally up in the air from that point on. That's the way I feel when Tully tosses Manny to the outside. These guys (and Baby Doll!) have great chemistry and this match was a blasty blast. Also extra points for putting the MDTSOCWWKD Championship on the Raging Bull VS the one member of the OG Horsemen not in our last Tuesday match!!
Friday, November 8, 2024
Forever Forward Fridays
CJD: I'm right there with you on the cut of Chuck Mambo's jib. I was also totally unfamiliar coming in and he brought so much to the table. Really impressed! I will say my one criticism of this match, when they were trading some shots on the outside at one point, they could have added some pepper to that dry rub. Otherwise this match was everything I could have hoped for. I loved the way the brought it home. Very nice job by the commentators too. I had no idea Flash missed this much time, and while he's FFFChampion it's cool to feature such a significant match for him. I liked the way he looked a little hesitant first half, but was really cooking second half. I don't know if it was intentional, but it was very believable for someone who had just missed nearly a year. This match hit a lot of different notes and hit them beautifully.
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
The Horseman Turns, The Wound That Burns
JJZ: Damn homie. This match was wild. Especially that chair shot Arn cracked to the back of Manny's head. Wow. Really quality stuff here! The heels took an ass whooping two thirds of this match but got their licks in in the last third. This would've been a perfect match to watch with our other wrestling like-minded friends. I agree that I did come out of this really thinking Manny stood right with all of these guys. The crowd and the feel of this match made its way right through my TV screen. Great stuff!
Arn Anderson,
Dusty Rhodes,
Magnum TA,
Manny Fernandez,
Ole Anderson,
Ric Flair
Friday, October 25, 2024
Forever Forward Fridays
JJZ: So, this kinda match is the hardest to review in my opinion. It's a good match. Not great, just good. Nothing overall epic happens. The moves and spots are executed perfectly. The story is simple but on point and has a satisfying ending. So I'll add this. You aren't sure on Webster, I've never been over the moon on Angelico. I've always found him solid though. In this match with Morgan I think both guys were just trying to have a middle of the road match that entertained the crowd. What they delivered was fun and I left feeling satisfied.
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Wipe Out!
CJD: Is there a wrestler that was better at doing more with very little than Arn Anderson? I know there are some candidates, but he's definitely way up there. I was so irrationally excited for this match and it didn't disappoint. Maybe the first Dynamic Dudes era Shane match I've watched as an adult. I'm surprised you were wishing for a better finish, on first watch I assumed the unusual nature of the booking on the finish was part of what hooked you on this match! This was awesome, Douglas was game, but AA really went above and beyond to put everything you needed to make something memorable out of an opportunity that many would have seen as a night off.
Friday, September 6, 2024
Forever Forward Fridays
CJD: I always like when we land on a match coincidentally when a wrestler is at a significant moment in their career. That's the case with Ricochet this Friday and this is a great showcase match for the One And Only. I thought he was the most impressive guy in there, and that's impressive in a match where everyone impressed! You mentioned the live energy of this match, which is what it was all about for me. The spontaneous booking, the open challenger reveals, and the seat of your pants style of match. This hit on a lot of fun indie cliches in a good way. Also I love any chance for some unexpected Angelico!
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
Bengal Can't Change Its Stripes
JJZ: Man, I would've went for this match right away baby! I'm stoked for this one. I always get a kick out of watching babyface Douglas since I'm so used to his heel ECW run. I always appreciate watching older wrestling when things that should be sold bigger are. Like a dump out through the ropes or a dropkick to the outside. That ground don't have no give. Can't really learn how to fall on concrete. I remember talking to my wrestling teacher about bumping on the outside and he said you just gotta suck it up and take the pain. Shane is playing a great pup in this match and Pillman is such a good dickheaded heel. I fully agree the ending is well done too. Great match baby cakes!
Friday, August 9, 2024
Forever Forward Fridays
JJZ: Talk about a hoss battle. This match was big in every sense of the word. Big spots, big strikes, and big men. Big men doing things that they had no right doing. I got a ton of ECW feels (minus the blood). It was like they had a BOGO sale on tables at Home Depot. They went through them like tissues when you have a cold. Honestly I've never been a Shane Taylor fan, so this match is definitely the best one I've seen from him so far. Lee and War Machine did their expected ridiculousness that they always do. This was a great blowoff for a feud. I'm sure they had some other bangers a long the way too.
Keith Lee,
Ray Rowe,
Shane Taylor,
War Machine
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
Strong-Arm Robberies, Flee With The Lottery
CJD: I'll be honest, I don't think that masterpiece Brad Armstrong match exists on tape. At least not a singles that we've seen. But I totally get why this match spoke to you. They accomplished so much without very much to work with here. Even Larry was buying in hook line and sinker on commentary. So many classic TV match tropes were packed into this one and everything was done so well. Pillman was the more dynamic of the two but I loved what Brad brought to the table too. Great chemistry between these two, great choice!
Friday, July 26, 2024
Forever Forward Fridays
Chris Hero VS Keith Lee - Beyond 12/29/2016
JJZ: 2016 was an incredible year in professional wrestling. Maybe Chris Hero's best year ever. Every weekend he was just producing bangers across the independent scene. Also in 2016 Keith Lee was starting to make a lot of noise. So this match was so highly anticipated. Not sure if this was the first time they worked but it definitely was the first time in Beyond. The crowd was so hot for this match that the boys didn't really need to do much to deliver. They both hit hard and showed way more athletic ability than men there size should be able to. The psychology was what you'd expect for a hot vet vs a hot rising star. Kind of a look what I can do vs I'm smarter than you. Really liked this match. Well worth the wait.
CJD: I'm pretty sure this was the first match Hero and Lee had, and it's pretty special with that in mind. You know how much I love their gritty, John Carpenter fight scene style match in EVOLVE. This is isn't that, but it does tell a complete story and escalate beautifully considering the circumstance and how long they go. The last few minutes of bombs are what you pay for and you get your money's worth for sure. These beef slappers knew their audience in Beyond and played to that room perfectly. Really glad you gave me a reason to sit down to this one, and I'm looking forward to digging into Lee considering we might be watching the tail end of his career currently.
Tuesday, July 9, 2024
You Can Call Me Al
JJZ: Baby cakes! This match is such the classic 80s TV match. I could totally picture you sitting on the floor like a preztel watching this. So good. Perez never worked ECW to my knowledge. He seems like a perfect fit. Reading up on him he did do a number of tours of Japan but I'm having a hard time finding stuff besides the Akiyama match. Brad Armstrong. I really enjoy all the Armstrongs and feel like there are a bunch of their matches waiting for me one day. If I had to pick out one thing that I enjoyed the most it was the early chain wrestling. These guys really put on a show. Some ahead of their time moves. I could watch a whole series of matches between these two guys.
Friday, July 5, 2024
Forever Forward Fridays
JJZ: Wow, this match took me back man. Since I had Hulu, I was actually watching NXT around this time. I remember the not sold out crowds and more minor league feel before it turned into one of the greatest eras of wrestling ever. Onno played a huge part in developing a lot of the talent that would go on to become pretty successful. Breeze being one of them I'm sure. I picture after the match Chris and Tyler in the back talking about the match. Hero giving Dalton tips and props for what was an above average jobber match. This week's match was more about remembering a time than the match itself. Nice pick baby cakes.
Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Rookie Of The Year
CJD: Al Perez never reaching his full potential is very much his MO, I think even according to him, although maybe more for lack of opportunity. It's surprising after this match we didn't see more of Perez in AJPW. For that matter was he ever in ECW? It seems like a natural fit that Heyman would have found a great use for him when nobody else could. Either way he made the most of this opportunity with young prodigy Jun Akiyama. They put on one hell of an undercard match, with real struggle, peaks and valleys. I really enjoyed their chemistry and then that finishing stretch totally had me hooked. Great find I had no idea ever happened, my partner in crime!
Friday, June 14, 2024
Forever Forward Fridays
"Speeball" Mike Bailey VS BREEZE - Prestige Wrestling 9/24/2023
JJZ: So I wasn't sure going into this match what type of match they would work. Even with that mindset I was suprised that they did a working from under 70/30 kind of match. I think it's a great way to show Mike Bailey's ability to work so many different roles effectively. His last match we played against King was such a wild match it's awesome to see him work such a traditional style here. This is the first match I've watched on the indies with Breeze and man do I still love him. His run in WWE was just pure entertainment but you could tell he still had such a great workrate in him. I will say Mike's explosive style offense worked extremely well for this type of match. While Breeze was able to slow everything down it made Bailey look even better when he was able to hit his crowd popping attacks. Really enjoyed this one and I hope you do too baby cakes.
CJD: It was surprising how much of a Speedball showcase this was, even though I'd agree Breeze took the majority of it. There's a point to be made that part of being a great pro wrestler is how great you can make your opponent look, and Breeze did that at a high level in this match. I also really enjoyed watching another promotion other than PWG run this unique venue. Keeping in that Friday indy spirit. The thing I enjoyed most about this match is after a lot of serious business at PIF lately, this was a fun, easy watch, that still dialed it up a notch when it needed to. I'm very curious to see where Prince Pretty brings me next!
Tuesday, June 4, 2024
Is The Great Zebra White With Black Stripes Or Is It Black With White?
JJZ: Wow. This match. I can't believe we are stilling finding these wonderful gems 24 years after the fact. The energy between Akiyama and Kobashi was vibrating off the screen. But the shing star of this match was SHI fucking GA. The way he was demanding to start. And then when Jun wouldn't start the match with him, he just picked his spot and took him out. Well Godamn son, go and take it then. This is why I will always say this is the greatest wrestling ever. And this is what Japan nowadays is missing. At the end of the day this is two vets, a green horn and a guy would I'm not sure his level of Pro but I'd guess it about fourth or fifth year, just putting in work. If the same top guys worked a tag with a mix of experience like this today in NJPW, they'd definitely treat it as a rest match. I hope all that made sense. Also all four guys told a complete story that anyone could understand in any language. Also, that finish was sick!
Friday, May 24, 2024
Forever Forward Fridays
Kenny King VS "Speedball" Mike Bailey - IMPACT! Wrestling Pit Fight 1/19/2023
JJZ: Jesus Chris. That this was such a joy to watch. Imma Tarentino it and just say the finish was fantastic. I literally said fuck out loud when he hit that. King and Bailey did a wonderful job using what they had as an offense. The spots off the apron were done perfectly. I didn't get any Battlearts feels but I did get some heat coming through my screen. Also Kenny and Mike's martial arts skills really shined at points. I would've loved a video package about the back story. Good shit homie.
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
No Excuses, No Fear
CJD: You HAVE watched a Shiga match or two before, but with a career that had a few stall outs, that was cut short by injury, I can totally understand forgetting about him. To quote one of my favorite Mountain Goats songs, "sometimes you get some heat, sometimes it follows you around." The heat was following Team No Fear into and out of the building in this one! I loved the dynamic going after Kobashi's nose brought. And Shiga as the outclassed sidekick, doing anything and everything to help his mentor, was note perfect. He really had me believing on his big comeback there. This was about everything I want in 10 minutes of pro wrestling, right up to and including the finish. You made the right call indeed my friend.
Friday, May 10, 2024
Forever Forward Fridays
CJD: I was really impressed with the chemistry of both teams in this one. Like you said this was basic, but it still accomplished a lot. It built the Delirious/Rhett feud first and foremost. It established the soon to be All-Night Express as an emerging team. And it kept Brodie looking very protected while showing flashes that King could hang on his level. I liked the seeds they were planting here, and for a match that didn't try to do a ton, it was still very efficient in what they did. Even more than an early album I'd say this was a demo tape with a ton of potential. But great comparison!
Brodie Lee,
Kenny King,
Luke Harper,
Rhett Titus
Tuesday, April 30, 2024
It's Taue Or The Highway
JJZ: I watched this match two days ago, and when I was about to write my review my daughter spilled her water. Spoke too soon I guess CJD. My very first thought about this match was how goddamn impressive it is that Taue can kick above his head. I've been doing Karate for years and I can only kick around someone's waist. Taue looks like he struggles walking to the ring and then BAM! Boot to Omori's dome. I feel like Taue came out of this match looking super dominant. I was surprised that Omori was so giving in this match. I'm assuming with this being the infancy of Pro Wrestling NOAH they wanted to make sure the pillars were cemented in. I still think Omori looked decent in this match though. I didn't come away thinking he lost anything, but felt like he helped establish Taue's power in NOAH.
Friday, April 19, 2024
Forever Forward Fridays
CJD: Let's give World Famous CB his flowers. I remember this match getting some buzz, and I doubt I'll ever get around to watching it otherwise. Obviously super notable in Cheeseburger's career and I'm loving the Coldest Brother right now so let's dive in! There's one main point that I know you're going to make. This match obviously deserved a crowd. Especially the last few minutes and post match. But at least this teacher and student had the chance to have this platform and do something special with it. As a match this is good, although I think actually a little shorter than it should be. As a moment this is great. Delirious made some great contributions to pro wrestling, I'm glad he had a student like Cheeseburger along the way to carry his torch.
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
Blessed Be The Doctor, Blessed Be The Nurse
CJD: 1996 Champions Carnival finals and I have to agree with you JJZ, I'm pretty sure neither one of us had ever seen this match. How is that possible?? I'm glad though, because this gave me those feelings some of the first All Japan we ever watched in the 90s gave me on grainy VHS tapes all over again. This was magic. From the opening moments to the ground shaking eruption of a finishing stretch. Both men gave an all-time performance. Any sloppiness is totally understandable with what an all out war this was. I knew Doc had major wins over Misawa and Kawada at this point so I knew this was a huge opportunity for Taue. Which is awesome after seeing him as an emerging star a few years earlier in our last match! What I didn't know was this was Doc's return after issues with drugs and depression that Giant Baba helped him through. Reading up a bit more, Doc called Baba a father figure in his life. I know he was to many, but for a gaijin like Williams and the significance his career in Japan had, that's pretty fucking cool. This match was Aces indeed my friend. Very nicely done.
Friday, April 5, 2024
Forever Forward Fridays
CJD: You nailed my feelings about this match. This is what's beautiful about indie wrestling, these guys are not exactly known quantities here. Malachi is early in his DEADLOCK run, I think they said his first singles match, and Cheeseburger making his debut? And they fucking knock it out of the park. A match that communicates everything you need to know whether you're 8 years old or have been watching pro wrestling for decades. Great physical action, creativity, a fun face/heel dynamic, good pace, just the right kind of finish. I never ever would have told you I'm a Cheeseburger fan before. I was wrong! Like you said I never gave the guy a chance and I'm so glad you gave me the opportunity to correct that. He was a gem here, bringing a seasoned veteran presence that only a true student of the game could. Who has put in the reps! And I loved this side of Malachi. What a find JJZ! I can't wait to watch more World Famous CB!!!
Tuesday, March 26, 2024
For Once In Your Life, Here's Your Miracle
JJZ: Smoking a cigar and drinking a Guinness. Let's fucking go. This is a back and forth hoss battle! Thank you for the history lesson to this gem. No matter what is on the line for this match all four of these guys fucking went for it. And it all built to an ending that was straight violence. Just four dogs fighting for a bone. So entertaining. And it didn't even feel that long! All Japan Pro Wrestling had the ability to make time stand still with the action in the ring during this era. Love it CJD.
Akira Taue,
Jumbo Tsuruta,
Steve Williams,
Terry Gordy
Friday, March 15, 2024
Forever Forward Fridays
JJZ: RIP to one of my favorite nicknames ever. Hot Fire. Oh well. But this match was Hot Fire! Both wrestlers came out the shoot trying to one up each other and man oh man was it enjoyable to watch. This match was such an indie darling style that I felt like it was 2006 all over again. I could picture Dave Prazak calling some of those spots. Jay Malachi is brand new to me also. He has that young puppy energy that you can feel through the screen. Excited to really dive into more of his stuff. I know he is young but you can tell he has been working for years. Good shit!
Tuesday, March 5, 2024
Your Love Is Blind, Blind As A Bat
CJD: You read my mind with that comment about Hansen/DBS. This match certainly had the big fight feels. The Bulldogs were limited but Stan and Terry made them look like a million bucks. Gordy really went above and beyond. The way he kept selling the press slam, like that was the reason Hansen tried to sneak in as the illegal man, was such a wonderful touch. And man, what a beautiful finish, as perfect as you could hope from a match like this. This was a dream match that delivered, and with the limitations you had from a barely mobile Dynanite and a walking science experiment in Davey, that's pretty damn impressive!
Davey Boy Smith,
Dynamite Kid,
Stan Hansen,
Terry Gordy
Friday, March 1, 2024
Forever Forward Fridays
CJD: The thing I love about this match is that while neither one of these guys is the most physically imposing, they both bring that aura to this match that this title fight is larger than life. These are two guys that do the little things right, inside and outside of the ring. And while this is a very modern match, besides Hot Fire with that flashy offense, this is a match that feels busy without doing too much. Nothing overly complicated or cute. Just a good little barnburner, from two awesome talents, in a fun proportion, with good commentary, in front of a great crowd. That's some Friday goodness right there!!
Friday, February 23, 2024
Forever Forward Fridays
JJZ: Man I love DEFY. In my 20s I would have definitely set out to get a ton of DEFY DVDs. You did a fantastic job of getting back on track here baby cakes. Keith is brand new to me I think. Nothing is coming to mind. But I'll agree CJD, he really works like he's been there before and that the moment is not too big for him. Dude's got some good intensity and can bang. Now it blows my mind that Tanaka can still go to this level after all the death matches and chair shots and powerbombs and just sick spots he has taken. This match is 27 year after that death match we played. That's a lot of bumps man. Tip of the cap to his journey. Loved the finish. I think it really made Keith look strong without taking anything away from Tanaka.
Tuesday, February 13, 2024
I Heard Screamin' And Bull Whips Cracking
Stand Hansen/Bruiser Brody (c) VS Giant Baba/Dory Funk Jr - AJPW PWF Tag Team Championship 8/26/1984
JJZ: This might be weird to say but my favorite time to watch older AJPW is at night with a drink. Preferably with cigar. It always feels like an event when I watch this type of match. At this moment, it 8:21 AM on a weekday and I'm drinking coffee in my underwear. I'm sure I will enjoy this just the same. The energy that Hansen and Brody come in with is fucking intense. So the "oooooooo" Baba got for running the ropes actually made me laugh out loud. It's so Terry Funk to completely leave an impression on you in a match that he isn't even in. Jesus Chris. This brawl is so wild and insane. Terry is a man that can make me fully believe that he is in a fight for his life. Now. The match before the craziness was really good. Baba actually looked pretty good man. Such a fun watch!
Tuesday, February 6, 2024
One Soft Infested Summer, Me And Terry Became Friends
CJD: The Funks in WWF felt like such an alternate reality, like a Marvel What If? storyline. It's not what I want when I watch the Funks but I'm glad it happened just to add yet another chapter into the epic novels of their careers. You nailed the amazing ability they had to still feel menacing despite turning the gaga up to 11 opposite two all-time babyfaces like Hulk and JYD. I would have liked a little more of the face in peril to build to the finish but with a match like this you take what you can get. Waking up to white knee pads Hogan, Gorilla and Lord Alfred on commentary, with a cup of green tea for breakfast and a side of Terrible Terry and Hoss Funk is fine by me babycakes!
Friday, February 2, 2024
Forever Forward Fridays
CJD: So this is taking us far from our Forever Forward Fridays themes here. But I know where I'm going to take this little detour next, and it's going to loop right back into the highway my friend. And as far as FFF pays tribute to the independent spirit of pro wrestling, well this is sure fucking it right here. What they're doing for this size crowd, with this level of bells and whistles, you can really see how FMW had that brief moment of blazing glory. In a strange way this reminded me of our Funks tag last Tuesday, in how it never stopped building and stuck the landing. Every spot added purpose and a feeling of escalation. Nakagawa wrestled like half the match wrapped in barbed wire!! Hayabusa had such a hero aura about him and it was awesome seeing such opposite sides of his career with these two matches of his. Bret is good people indeed, he's done amazing work chronicling the history of FMW over the years and I never would have seen this absolute gem of a match without him. Thank you BAHU!!
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
He Don't Give In, He's A Family Man
JJZ: Fuck man. Before the match even starts I'm like damn. Some matches on paper just make you say hell yeah brother, let's go! I know your absolute love of Terry, so I know finding this match for you was such a wonderful moment. What Terry adds to a match is priceless. Even him taking hip tosses from Ricky feels like a big spot. Dory is classic man. He is the steady hand that keeps everything calm for his team. Jay Youngblood. Gone way too soon. Had so much potential and brought such energy to his matches. This was a fundamental classic tag match baby cakes. The crowd was fantastic and the build needs to be watched by young tag teams. I think basic is a negative word at times but this match had so many basic things executed to perfection. Great match baby!
Dory Funk Jr,
Jay Youngblood,
Ricky Steamboat,
Terry Funk
Friday, January 19, 2024
Forever Forward Fridays
Kyoko Inoue VS H - FMW 3/27/2000
CJD: File under: matches I never knew happened, exhibit A. I know maskless Hayabusa is not something we seek out. And I know this match puts you in a really awkward position to stick with our Friday themes. But this was so in the spirit of Forever Forward, especially for 2000 Japan, that I couldn't pass this up. If we have to hold up the imaginary FFF Championship and start from scratch, so be it. Inoue controls a crowd so beautifully. Dare I say she carried H for sections of this. Hayabusa is trying to get revenge for a loss to Kyoko in a tag match so he's really bringing the stank. I would've liked just a little more at the end but considering I never dreamed this match happened, I'll take what I got. What a strange time the year 2000 was.
JJZ: This was a very unexpected surprise babycakes. My first thoughts about this match was that I was happy that H didn't entirely wrestle as Hyabusa. Obviously some moves yes. But it wasn't a carbon copy. Inoue seems so pissed off during this match. You could tell she had something to prove. This was a really heated battle. I loved the aggressive nature of the bout. I know this was a intergender match but it never felt like that. It had the feels of two people wanting to beat the hell out of each other. I don't think I knew that Hayabusa worked maskless! Love play it forward for times like this.
Tuesday, January 9, 2024
In The Bushes With The Mask Like Vader
CJD: I seem to remember one of the Death Valley Driver guys claiming back when that Steamboat might have been Vader's low key best opponent. Maybe after Sting like you said. And I've seen some of their matches but even I didn't think to name him last week when talking about the top babyfaces Vader was working magic with. These two had so many sneaky great matches and this one is still new to me. I think I tried to hunt this down on custom comps but never found it. And of course in 2024 here it is at my fingertips in crystal clear VQ!! Talk about 70/30, this shit was more like 85/15. What a beating and what comebacks! I loved the deliberate pace and the way they timed Steamboat's offense. This was an absolute treat, thank you Jim Duggan for finding this little detour for us! God damn.
Tuesday, January 2, 2024
What You Gonna Do About It, Tough Guy??
JJZ: WCW Saturday Night might be the best weekly wrestling show ever. It produced so many amazing matches and moments. Man, this is hands down the best Dunggan match I've seen from this era of his career. And it's not from being carried at all. He totally held his own with Vader. Really dug down and brought his 1980s level shit. The fans were on the edge of their seats during this. I fucking loved Jimmy D leveling the playing field with the 2x4 and those comeback punches were straight fire son! Wish it was a clean finish but I get it. Both guys came out looking good and that's what you want.
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